Writers Wanted
Writing and Blogging opportunities with buxtohispano.com
Have opinions? Are you able to articulate them in a manner that questions rather than offends? If so please consider writing for buxtohispano.com as either a regular contributor or an occasional guest blogger.
These opportunities are unpaid but rewarding. Writers may submit their works on any subjects within the realm of American social and/or political events to gain exposure for themselves and build their portfolio of publishings.
Articles are easy to post and will include the author’s byline, biography, and optional photograph. Authors always retain the full copyright of their work and may publish the identical article(s) elsewhere at any time.
Current Needs
All are encouraged to participate, however at the present time we have a critical need for conservative contributors to assist in balancing the views being expressed here.
Also, anyone with a special interest in technology and how politicians, activist and social groups are using it to spread their messages is highly desired.