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Archive for the ‘War on Terror’ Category

American Death Squads?

[caption id="attachment_274" align="alignleft" width="226" caption="Former Vice President Dick Cheney"][/caption] Current and former government officials have apparently confirmed that the CIA had developed plans to create and deploy small, specialized teams overseas on specific missions to kill terrorists. It was also made clear by CIA Director Leon Panetta, that these plans had been ...

Quit the War on Terror? Oh No, Broaden it Wisely!

Image by Ennor_unwell-resting via Flickr I read an interesting piece by Nathan Gardels today in which he lays out his argument for why President Obama should quit the war on terror and shift focus to talking with those groups who view violence and killing as legitimate means for advancing their agendas. To ...

War Between India and Pakistan Must be Avoided

Disgusting terror attacks have been committed on India's soil. For India, they can never look back to a time before they were hit by unwarranted and revolting terrorist attacks. But there is a chance to change the future. Because of the attacks, tension between India and Pakistan have skyrocketed. India has ...

Who Should be Obama’s Secretary of Defense

There's been a lot of talk about who Barack Obama will choose to become his next Secretary of State. It may be a good idea for him to concentrate on his Secretary of Defense, too. Obama has talked about bipartisanship a great deal during the campaign, so this is his ...

Winning the War on Terror

Can it be done? The history of warfare is that there are two positions of true victory in any military conflict. First, your enemy accepts your terms and surrenders, or second, your enemy is entirely eliminated. The latter position has been reached far less often than the former, but both have ...