If This Is The Tax Man, Audit Me!
Government Employees Buying iPods And Lingerie With Tax Dollars
According to a report by the Government Accountability Office, almost half of the purchases made by federal employees using government issued SmartPay credit cards were improper transactions.
It specifically mentioned the purchases of iPods, laptops, digital cameras, gambling transactions, online dating service fees, and even lingerie “for use during jungle training”. No, I didn’t make that up. Members of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) seem to need lingerie for effective jungle training.
According to Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), tax dollars “intended to pay for critical infrastructure, education and homeland security is instead being spent on iPods, lingerie and socializing.”
Now, sure it’s easy to be upset over the seemingly wasteful spending of your tax dollars, but take a deep breath and ponder this for a moment. Wouldn’t you feel better about being audited if the Tax (Wo)man showed up to your door in a Pink Teddy? I’m betting at-least half of you say “Yes”.
Image Source: PeppyWear Lingerie
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